Nigel Elder PGA Golf Professional
Nigel Elder PGA Golf Professional

              NIGEL ELDER             


My name is Nigel Elder. I am a Fully Qualified PGA Golf Professional and a member of the PGA of Germany, with over 25 years of coaching experience. I have also completed my  Trackman Certified Professional, Level 2 qualification.


I was born in Bulowayo, Rhodesia and lived, until I was 22, in Cape Town South Africa. There I started to play Golf with my father at a very young age. My home course is Milnerton Golf Club in Cape Town, South Africa.


I have had different postions in Europe over the last  25 years, working as a Golf Professional and Head Pro.  


I am still a member of Milnerton Golf Club in South Africa and my current Handicap  is +0,2. I speak three Languages ( English, German and Spanish) and love all types of sports. I used to play tennis in South Africa at a high level and have completed 2 Marathons in my life ( Madrid 4:19, Sevilla 3:39)


My passion is playing and coaching Golf and that will never change!!!


Nigel Elder 

PGA Golf Professional

Where to find me?

Karlsbaderstr 11 

34359 Reinhardshagen 


Nigel EGolflder

Felsenkellerstr. 23 

359 Reinhadsh


Nigel Elder 

Tel. 0049(0)151-50613173 

Tel. 0034 624828290 Please contact me:

0049(0)151 50613173

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© PGA Golf Professional Nigel Elder